School of Purpose is providing a platform to help you explore the world from within 

Humans tend to look outwards for the answers, but when we listen and look from within the learning starts to happen. We teach the world the how to express the creative soul, live beyond your dreams, fulfilling and desired happy life.














The School of Purpose is more than an institution—it's a sanctuary where transformation is nurtured. It's a space where you're encouraged to peel away the layers of societal expectations and to explore the core of your being. What does a better quality of life look like for you? What are the passions, values, and dreams that have been waiting for your attention?

And we do this by bringing the powerful learning platform, a growing and bringing together a community, forever evolving, continuos ever improvement to provide you the best teaching in this world. We are all about growing your human potential and living in the divine purpose.



You only have one life, why not tap into your body?


Making more insightful decisions that will serve you better in the long term.


Apply the tools and philosophy to create new formed appreciation to life.

::Our Vision

Empowering Visionaries, Shaping Futures:

Envision a world illuminated by engagement leaders, individuals who embody and enact their purest purposes, shaped not just by ambition, but by inspiration. At the heart of our vision lies the profound belief that we can cultivate a global community in which the alignment of thoughts, emotions, and actions is not an aspiration but a reality.

Our Vision is a Beacon of Transformation:

We are dedicated to creating an environment that nurtures heart-centered leadership—a place where the synchronicity between mind and heart isn’t just encouraged, it’s achieved. This is more than an educational goal; it’s a transformational journey that invites each individual to explore and connect with their innermost truths and purposes.

Live Your Truth, Lead with Heart:

Join the Movement of Heart-Centered Leadership.


You're at the forefront of a remarkable journey—a journey that's not just about personal transformation, but about shaping the very fabric of our collective future. With each innovative program you conceive, you're weaving a tapestry of interconnected minds, aligned in purpose and passion.

Phuong Phan, Chief Empowerment Officer and Founder of School of Purpose

Phuong Phan’s Journey to Empowerment and Enlightenment:

With a rich background spanning 13 years in the tertiary education sector, Phuong Phan has been a guiding force for over 80,000 individuals, aiding them in navigating the intersections of education and career choices. Her dedication has seen countless students achieve their dreams, graduating with both a qualification and a clear vision of their desired paths. This rewarding experience was a testament to her commitment and passion for helping others grow.

Transitioning from academia to entrepreneurship, Phuong built a chain of three family-oriented fitness gyms, channeling her enthusiasm for personal well-being into a thriving business. However, this success came at a personal cost, leading to burnout and stress. It was through her engagement with yoga and meditation that Phuong experienced a transformative shift in her understanding of life, a shift that redirected her trajectory.

This personal evolution became the cornerstone of her work in business transformation, where she channeled her newfound insights into helping other companies reach multi-million dollar successes. Despite facing the adversity of job loss, Phuong used it as a stepping stone to recommence her path in coaching, drawing from a well of profound personal awakening.

The inception of the School of Purpose is the culmination of Phuong’s ongoing journey in personal mastery and human expansion. This venture is not just a business; it is the embodiment of a vision aimed at empowering individuals to architect their own lives within their own “spinning universes.” Her current mission transcends individual success, aiming to seed a ‘new earth’ by developing leaders who can envision and manifest a future that is brighter and more transformative.

Phuong Phan’s story exemplifies a relentless quest for growth, self-discovery, and the desire to empower others to find their place and purpose in the world, thereby contributing to a collective and positive future.





This we Believe.

We believe in Oneness.

We believe in committing to finding who we are


In Compassion.



And Community.

We believe we are one.

We are light.

We are love.

We believe that our minds are MAGICAL.

But that our HEARTS are where are true power lies.

We believe that everyone should get comfortable naked.

And embrace your eccentricities.

Embrace your uniqueness.

Embrace your DNA.

We believe in making MISTAKES.

We believe in moving through the challenges and that they are the map of our scars.

We believe in removing the limiting beliefs and blocks.

And stepping into your power of greatness.

We believe in authenticity.

We believe in vulnerability.

By removing the mask.

And that getting your face MUDDY and MESSY is part of the fun.

We believe in asking EMPOWERING questions.

Allowing the curiosity to come out from your inner child.

We believe that curiosity is sexy.

And letting the unexpected answers appear.

We believe in Stillness is the new earth.

Stillness is our harmony.

Stillness is our inner calling.

Our inner thought shows us the path to where we need to lead.

Where future is manifested.

Where future is shared.

Being present in the NOW is all it matters.

We believe you should SHARE your creativity.

We believe that EMPOWERING people is the GREATEST
Good You Can Do.

(& the most ethical way to aligning your PURPOSE into
a PROFITABLE business, too)

We believe that you should try to HUG a STRANGER everyday…….even if they’re a WORLD away.

We believe in cultivating CONFIDENCE through creativity, community, big ideas & being BOLD.

We believe in inspired ideas.

But execution is everything.

We believe that KINDNESS ripples through the earth.

We believe in every step, our feet kisses mothers earth We believe in INSPIRATION over DESPERATION.


AND PASSION, and purpose over PROFIT.

We believe in giving back.

And paying it forward.

We believe that it’s NEVER too late to do what you were BORN to do.

And that it’s never too late to START again.

We believe in living life excuse free.

We live unapologetically.

That you’re ready right now.

Every balanced breath you generate great POWER.

We believe in making NEW RULES.

In FREEDOM, fierce Focus, Fulfilment and FUN.

We believe in continual learnings of perfecting the character.

To be continually perseverant in understanding who we are.

We are strong and we can be soft.

We are loud to and bold to make a statement.

Quiet when we want to be heard.

We believe in making GRATITUDE your new BELIEF.

We believe in UNDERSTANDING and determining the level of CONSCIOUS evolution that we have obtained.

And the magnitude of space and time will continue to expand with every new congruent objective.

And that IMAGINATION, inspiration & INNOVATION are within us all.

We believe that sometimes you need to stop SEEKING.

And just sit still. Surrender yourself.

When you attune to your Soul you act from inspiration within, upon the world around you.

We believe in Evolving, Education, Empowerment is where we allow us to become.

And that the true WISDOM often lies within.

Wisdom is shared in the safest place. Within this community.

Understanding the polarising forces allows us to not judge and be judged

We believe that you need a good STRATEGY to succeed.

But a better STORY that inspires you to START

We believe that every passionate, purpose driven professional needs a platform.

We believe that has not been appreciated and loved will be carried forward until it is appreciated and loved.

All polarised emotions will be conserved through dimension, space and time until they are synthesised and loved.

We believe in the living in the truth of love.

Physical life begins with the first breath and ends with the last.

We believe that EVERY  BRAND, and every BUSINESS needs a MANIFESTO……

And if you’re STILL reading this far….


Together we can change the world.


Thank you to Suddenly Psychic for the words of wisdom, I have taken and adapted my own for the creation of the school. The collective of the same mind. Namaste.

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