Keys to a Healthy Romantic Relationship

Keys to a Healthy Romantic Relationship

Romantic relationships take work, but the effort pays off in a loving partnership. Look for someone who shares your values, interests, and goals to build a strong connection. Trust, respect, honesty and commitment are essential. Give your partner focused attention,...
Habits To Become A Better Partner

Habits To Become A Better Partner

Is it not true that love goes beyond just romance? It is a constant pursuit in our daily lives. There may be days when you expect your significant other to put in more effort, as you may feel like you are putting in a lot of effort into the relationship. Do you agree?...
Speed Dating, Is It Scary?

Speed Dating, Is It Scary?

Women are choosy. Men are afraid of dating events. According to a study, speed dating habits concluded that if men and women go to an evening and have 22 separate dates, men are keen to see about five women again, while women would only choose to see two again, on...
When To Kiss On A Date

When To Kiss On A Date

Okay, do you find it stressful and confusing when is the right time to kiss on dates? Like how many dates should you wait before kissing or even what kind of kiss is okay to give, right? But come to think of it, there is no right answer for this question. It all...
When To Hold Hands

When To Hold Hands

Is there really the “right timing” when to initiate holding hands? For me, I don’t think you can put a time on it. I know someone who is been dating for more than 6 months already and didn’t even hold hands. He was worried that the woman might think he was not...