The importance of LIFE, is finding the meaning of YOUR LIFE.

Join the

Find Your Purpose

to find you.

1. Why this program?

 Are you feeling a little lost with life?

 Are you struggling to understand why everyone else is living their purpose and you’re not?

 Are you trying to grasp the meaning of life – while  trying to juggle everything all at the same time?

 Perhaps you’ve encountered moments of loneliness and emptiness in your life?

Perhaps you’ve hit a road block in your career and it’s not what you thought it would be? 

Perhaps you’re seeking a balanced and loving life, but don’t know how to make it happen. 

 You don’t have time for you anymore. And you’re tired of dealing with the same stuff, day in, day out. You can’t remember the last time you were truly happy.

 I’m here to tell you – it’s all going to be okay. 

While you’re struggling now, we can guide you down a smoother path. 

The ‘reality’ we see each day is embedded by societal fears, cultures, parenting methods, schooling systems, the community, media, and society in general. We constantly receive messages that tell us we’re not slim enough, smart enough, strong enough, beautiful enough, or capable enough.

Negative models of reality cripple us by injecting doubts and fear. These then act as a barrier between us and who we really are.

What if you could live a loving fulfilling life? 

What if you could build a business that will give you the financial freedom?,  rediscover the love that you need to inject back into your life.

What if you had new proven tools and techniques to help you show the unfoldment of your life?

You would challenge conventional rules.

You would be more confident in your pursuit of goals.

You would attract the right people to your path.

The paradigm shift needs to be continuously pushed and constant, that’s never absent from your day-to-day existence. It’s not a topic you have to actively think about for it to affect you. On the contrary, whether or not you find your purpose affects everything you do – without even realising it. 

Every action comes with subconscious thoughts. And those thoughts manifest into reality. 

Finding your Purpose is a continous process, a lifestyle, a way of looking at the world. It’s not something other people can beat you at. It’s not a race, a place you’ll reach with your next promotion, your next accomplishment, or your next significant other. 

The meaning of life is to discover the meaning of your life. We were born as love and light – so why do we often struggle with this purpose? 

The powerful frameworks provided will help you pinpoint the source of value in your life or the things that make your life worthwhile.

The ultimate question is – What is your dream?


2. Instructor Profile

Phuong Phan is the Founder and Chief Empowerment Officer of School of Purpose. Throughout her journey, Phuong has helped thousands of people  find their purpose and superpowers in life. This has been achieved both face-to-face and via over 100 videos she’s created to inspire and radiate positivity in peoples’ lives. 

Phuong is also a co-host at 89.5FM, 3 Quirks & Turk radio show, where she enlightens the mainstream audience with positive, thought-provoking perspectives, and interviews the greatest minds on how they have revolutionised their lives. She won a Gold award from 2GLF for her role at the radio station in 2019.

In the past, Phuong has also received awards for “Local Business of the Year” in the fitness industry in 2016 and “Individual Empowerment Award of the Year” in 2017.  

Phuong blends mindfulness, well-being, spiritual beliefs, and innovative ideas together. 

She’s on a mission to help: 

  • Millions of people find their superpower 
  • Elevate the human experience so people can live an extraordinary life by design
  • Shape humanity’s future
  • Empower the soul’s purpose

3. You’ll learn how to

First of all, this isn’t like any course you’ve ever done before. 

There’s no fluff or filler. 

We’ll take you on the most important personal journey you’ll ever take –  because it will help you realise you’re worthy of an extraordinary life.

And starting is very simple! 

After completing this course, you’ll look at yourself in a completely different way. You’ll  discover a strong appreciation and desire within, enabling you to bring yourself to a higher importance every day.

Unleash the hero in you. Find the right partner or even fall in love with your partner again. See the miracles and see the mission that awaits you.

You’ll look at yourself and see the most important things in front of you.

Since your life belongs to you, this course highlights what brings the most meaning to you. Not things that bring meaning to those around you. 

Take the course and you’ll soon l know what I mean.

Throughout the process, you’re going to:

  • Build the foundation of who you are
  • Learn to heal so you can let go and forgive, and 
  • Discover proven techniques to help you fall in love with yourself again – or perhaps for the first time
4. How you’ll immediately benefit
  • The Healing & Loving Thyself course allows you to  discover who you are by strengthening the mind, body, and focus.

    The readings and video materials provide practical examples and exercises so you can  immediately begin to create a stronger foundation in these three areas. You’ll soon start to understand your Identity and reveal who you once were.

    Like a Shaolin Monk, Yogi, or Zen Master, you’ll learn techniques to quiet your mind and simplify your life.

    This will create the foundation necessary to go beyond your willpower and empower you to stand up tall, while others may quit.

    Still want more?

    If you don’t feel ready for this course, you may wish to start with our ‘lighter’ Empowering Your Spirit program.

5. This course is suitable for anyone who wants to:
  • Isn’t loving themselves the way they should and/or feeling burnt out.
  • Is always attending to others, but not themselves.
  • Wants to trust themselves more, live their potential, discover who they really are (without the conditioning passed down to them from others).      
  • Is tired of being tired and is now ready to go deep, peel back the layers, and drop their mask knowing they deserve a whole, abundant, and joyful life of fun, happiness, love, and success.
  • Is a mum, daughter, sister, niece, girlfriend, or an individual who has lost who they truly are and their sense of worth.
  • Is a dad, son, brother, nephew, boyfriend, or an individual who is tired of being or trying to be ‘masculine’.
  • Wants to understand who they are – and is sick of trying to be who the  world tells them to be.

You are also:

  • A no-excuses action taker. You believe in yourself and are determined to be successful.
  • Coachable and open to new ideas. You won’t be taught anything uncomfortable, but you will be encouraged to try new things. If you have an open mind and are ready to try something new that works, this is for you. 
  • Pressed for time. Sure, there are a billion books about mindfulness and marketing out there, but you don’t have weeks (or even months) to read them. You need an easy and effective solution right now. You only need to commit to 5-7 minutes a day to watch the videos.
6. Requirements

While no prerequisite knowledge is required, you must have:

  • A burning desire to change your life.
  • A willingness to COMPLETE the course (as it needs to be completed to make sense)
  • A willingness to apply the techniques and tools repetitively and continuously to form better habits.


The course is NOT suitable for someone:

  • Looking for a ‘quick fix’ for their personal development. 
  • Wishing and waiting for their life’s external circumstances to change.
  • Hoping someone else can fix their problems for them.


To successfully complete the course, I suggest: 

  • Downloading the workbook of questions in the supplementary materials.
  • Allocating time after each key section to do the work required.
  • Consulting a doctor, specialist or suitably qualified coach if any emotional, psychological, or mental health issues arise and present challenges for you.

7. What our students say about Phuong Phan your Trainer

“Beautiful soul

Phuong is a beautiful soul. She has much passion and positivity, and gets me thinking outside the box. She has been generous in her support, and I love how she challenges me to push further. Her holistic and spiritual outlook of things makes her an amazing person to be around. I highly recommend Phuong. – Kirsty Salisbury, International Speaker, Podcaster, Celebrant”

“Blessing to Everyone

 Phuong is a blessing to everyone she meets, her smile always lights up a room. Phuong is a dedicated, loving and generous individual, she will work extremely hard to help you blossom and grow. Phuong will take the time to listen, and will nurture you so that you can over come your fear and improve your strengths. Thank you Phuong, my life would not be the same without you! – Rosa, Animal Lover”


Thank you for being a great inspiration to me and always being there in times of need. A truly beautiful person inside and out who is always helping me wherever she can. – Raye Tang, Mother and HomeGuru 

“Opening your Eyes to Possibility

Phuong is a stand-out individual that is on a mission to help others. Her passion and ability to connect and draw out the best in people is absolutely phenomenal!

It’s very rare for me to have an instant connection with people, yet Phuong did it so effortlessly. If you want someone to take you to a higher plane of thinking and opening your eyes to possibilities – Phuong is definitely the person you should speak to. Thai Ngo, Career Coach” 

“A Better Version of Yourself

Phuong not only inspires you to be a better version of you, she also can kicks your ass when you don’t do your work. (yes. literally…..she is a black belt). I could tell you that your experience with Phuong will give you more confidence, self-love and truth mirroring but I would rather let you discover that for yourself. If you feel there is more to life than this..go ad connect with Phuong. because she truly cares.. deeply cares…about the people around her. her clients. She has got your back… and.. we all love her! You are in good hands. Kat Chen, Life Coach at Awesomation Academy”

“Empowers People to be their Best

Phuong is a phenomenal and free-spirited lovely soul. She inspires and empowers people to be their best. She shines with her abundance of love and cares for humanity. Phuong keep rocking and all the very best in all your endeavors. Uma Panch, Wellness Coach Beyond Bliss”

Program Outline

When you invest in this program, you’ll get instant access to:

  • Five modules with over 5 Modules (30 Videos) on embracing, loving, and caring for yourself to rediscover your true identity.
  • Lots of activities and tools that are provoking for the mind
  • Step-by-step lessons
  • Guided self-reflection for 15-30 minutes per day to uncover and reveal a greater state of awareness.
  • Lifetime access to this program.
  • Access to our supportive team and community. These people will be your  rock and hold the space for you as you take this deep journey within. You can call any time to get help, ask questions, or ask for accountability…. You don’t have to do this alone!

There’s much, much more, so let’s get started!   

Not feeling ready? Then you might consider enrolling in the Heal and Love Thyself program.

  • The beauty of finding yourself and on how to heal
  • Learning about the importance of forgiveness and how to learn to forgive
  • Coaching on the topic· “Learn What You Stand For” so you can understand how to conduct your life in harmony with your principles.

Full Program Curriculum

Module 1 – Intent of Being Purposeful

In the first module of Find Your Purpose, you’ll learn how to start understanding your awareness mind and the power of purpose.

With this new framework, you’ll discover more of who you are and start creating a new habit. 

Together, we’ll unlock the Power of Awareness and the mind.

What you will master:

  • The concept of ‘persistance and burning desire’
  • Why understanding what your success is
  • Why being in the zone is important
  • Start implementing meditation into your life
    Module 2 - Creating Your Purpose

    In the second module, you’ll receive thought provoking questions about your history. 

    Discover the power of your challenges, people that came in your life and why the events that had happened in your life is important.

    What you will master:

    • How to identify these events are positive in your life
    • How to go deeper into your past
    • Understanding your life changing experiences are crucial to your future
    • Why coincidence in life should not be forgotten
      Module 3 - Habits To Keep You in Play

      In the third module, you’ll learn how to set up new habits to empower new momentum of what you have learnt about your purpose.

      What you will master:

      • Catching your own negative thoughts and changing them to positive talk
      • why networking with like minded people are important
      • creating your Powerful Mission Statement
      • Understanding your values
      • How to Diversify your thoughts
        Module 4 - Eulerian Path

         In the fourth module, you’ll learn another form of technique to go even further deeper even though you may have gone the surface level of understanding your past.

         What you will master:

        • How your past is so important to shaping your future
          Module 5: Putting It Together

          Now you know your purpose, we are going to put the action plan in putting you now into momentum. 

          This step is important just like the other steps to clarify and confirm, to understand the action plans that will help you pivot forward and simple key action steps

          What you will master:

          • How to set key motivators
          • How to simplify your goals 
          • Learning to trust and listen to yourself
          • Understanding 7 Key action steps



          How exactly does the Find Your Purpose program work?

          The program is an easy-to-follow journey towards looking at what has shaped you, confirming and clarifying this is what you want and putting it into simple actions.

          You’ll experience 30 x  5-7 minute online micro-lessons with Phuong Phan. Each session builds on the last and are expected to be watched repeatedly with the activities provided. This will help you shift the paradigm and see rewarding progress (which could lead to permanent change) with minimal time spent.

          By the end of the program, your brain will experience a paradigm shift in learning abilities. This is your opportunity to awaken your sensory experience to discover who you are. There isn’t just one big set of purpose but many purposes. Your purpose what was before may not be the same now.

          How do I know this program is for me?

          Do you feel as though you’re serving your highest calling? 

          Do you wake up every day, feeling trapped in a life that doesn’t excite you? Do you feel as though there’s something missing? 

          Do you believe you deserve more in your life? Do you want to fall in love, or reignite your relationship?

          If yes, this program is for you. 

          This is a beginners’ program and it’s difficult to describe the way you’ll feel once you ascend to a higher state. For this reason, we recommend trying the program to experience it for yourself.

          What if I don’t get results from the program?

          If, for whatever reason, you don’t are not satisfied with the  program, you’re entitled to a 100% refund within 10 days. 

          No questions asked and no hoops to jump through. Just send a simple email to our world-class customer support team. <<<<Email>>>


          Who is this course not suitable for?

          • If you’re not willing to do the work and ask yourself important questions that need to be addressed.
          • You don’t make time for you.
          • You don’t want to invest in personal development.


          • You’re ready to be released from the old you.
          • You want to address your awareness abilities and learn skills without having to be “at a certain level” when you start.

          I’m not an entrepreneur or a leader - is this program for me?

          Absolutely. Your life is about awakening and living life on your terms. You don’t need to be running your own business or planning to do things at a large scale. Follow your highest calling and find out how you can contribute more to your highest purpose.

          How soon will I start seeing results?

          The program will begin shifting your beliefs about reality from the first module when we start questioning and stripping away who you are. It is a thought provoking deep dive into you. Throughout all  the exercises, you’ll instantly start to change your emotional, mental, and energetic state. 

          Broader life changes will come over time as you ascend to the state of limitless. As you can see from the feedback above, past students are experiencing profound shifts in their lives faster than they ever thought possible.

          Success Stories Of Powerful Individuals Who  Phuong Phan Has Empowered Along Her Journey

          Christy Feng

            “With her help, I have setup my life powerfully”

          “She is a professional coach, helping me to look at my life in a holistic way. I am always an achiever. However, I am lacking the time to look after myself, allowing myself to take care of my body and mind. Sometimes, it’s exhausting, it’s easy to experience burnout.

          Phuong’s service comes a customised and personal approach.  She knows how to activate the inner you to ensure the champion in you comes out. She offers great advice on how to balance your life and ensure that you develop your life really powerfully.

          The results I have produced during the coaching:

          I received a new job in an industry where I have no prior experience, with the salary I want, title, responsibility, team, and the starting date I wanted.

          I have found a loving relationship with my new partner that works wonders and I am so happy. I have been taught the best way of expressing our love and communication between us. 

          I have put in place new mindfulness practices and new habits, which include meditation, appreciation, regular exercise, and great quality of sleep.

          My health has improved and I have been focussed on food, a healthy lifestyle, feeling great about taking care of my body and I have been able to listen to my own body.

          My productivity has hugely improved with new results, new habits of morning routine to set my day right mentally, physically, and spiritually.

          I definitely would recommend her to anyone who is looking to achieve happiness and success in your life.”

          Leo Coco

          “Why did they only make one of her?”

          In the short time in which we have engaged, the impacts of her internal work with me have been phenomenal to say the least!!! I not only FEEL different, but my ACTIONS are noticeably different! The output for me from some of the work we have done so far is mind-blowing…

          Phuong has a unique style that I have not experienced before. Her spiritual work & energy is evident in the techniques she uses which are AMAZING! I feel safe and relaxed in her presence and for this reason I have been able to make some incredible leaps in my self-development journey which will allow me to pursue my passion for all things entrepreneurial with more focus and clarity than I have ever had in long time!
          Phuong has a beauty which comes from within her core and a genuine passion to help others. She is intelligent, kind and open-minded enough to listen and to trust, but has experienced enough in life to see through someone’s bull!

          I could not recommend Phuong Phan highly enough as the work she does is invaluable if YOU put in the effort as she’ll support your interests and beliefs.

          My journey with Phuong has only just begun and am so excited as the proximity we keep with people like Phuong is critical to our own personal development as she will help you maintain focus and help you fly like an eagle!
          Thank you greatly!”

          Van Vorasane

          “I feel completely empowered, renewed, and full of life force.”

          “I highly recommend Phuong anytime to people who want to change and be spiritual. 

          Phuong is an amazing success mindset coach and she makes you feel like her family. I was suicidal and she has helped me do a complete shift, mind, body, and spirit. 

          I live life with more purpose; happier and calmer. Through her program, I reconnected to who I am, and my conscious state being. I experienced freedom so much more by simple techniques.

          The next big step is setting up my business. I am choosing my mission over my career and I know that with Phuong’s guidance to help support me and guide me the way, I feel unstoppable.”

          ENROL NOW

          How To Get Your Access to the Find Your Purpose Online Course 

          We’re on a mission to connect, transcend and touch over one million lives. We’re serious about this goal as it was a vision written down to completely awaken the mass and to help people live in their pure purpose.

          To access, all we ask is that you actually complete the entire program  – because that’s the only way it’s going to change your life.

           So here’s how it works:

          STEP 1: Enrol in the program 

          STEP 2: Receive your Access to the online portal.

          STEP 3: Watch every training video released and use it to fill in the Empower Your Spirit Workbook.

          STEP 4: Embrace your unfoldment and discovery

          STEP 5: Upon completion, receive your Find Your Purpose Certificate

          Sneak peak to to the Find Your Purpose Online Course 

          Enrol Today to Experience The Entire Find Your Purpose Online Program now

          • The entire Find Your Purpose Program pre-recorded videos, where Phuong Phan share’s her secret of her success and what was written in her diary when she was at the point of shifting the paradigm.  ($5,000 Value)
          • Specific exercises and techniques to help you evolve to the Level 1 of consciousness, the state of conscious awareness. (Priceless)
          • Convenient, printable, set out clearly designed Heal and Love Thyself Workbook to help you build the foundation of who you are for each video. ($100 Value)
          • Our Exclusive double-guarantee: A 10 day refund policy or a 100% credit transfer to another program.
          • Be part of the newly growing community Facebook Community for life, ask questions within the community, constant support (Priceless)
          • 2 x One on One  coaching with Phuong Phan.

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          On 27 November 2019, we updated our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy to reflect the Australian policies for protecting customer data. Your use of our services is subject to these revised terms which give you more control and protection over your data.